


All volunteers receive a systematic and comprehensive induction to the charity and its work, allowing them to develop a good understanding of the requirements of the role and to settle in with confidence. All volunteers are given appropriate opportunities for developing their skills and knowledge to carry out their role effectively.

East African Women's Actions {EAWA} is a charitable organization which was set up on 26.06.2009 [Charity Number: 1137993]. Our main activities are to provide support services to vulnerable women, children and young people from East Africa living in Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council in West Midlands. The support we provide aims at supporting independence/empowerment and sustained integration and enable improved quality of life, via a structured and outcome focus support package. The charity is managed by a management committee made of a Chairperson, a Treasurer and a Secretary. In total, EAWA has a membership estimated at 45 individuals.

The Charity's objectives are:

  • To preserve and protect the physical and mental health of women's from East African countries who are seeking asylum or who are granted refugee status and their dependents living in the West Midlands region (hereinafter, the “beneficiaries”).

  • To advance the education and training of those persons defined in object 3.1 as beneficiaries by any charitable means that the trustees may from time to time determine.

  • To advance the education of public in general about issues relating to refugees and those seeking asylum.

  • The relief of financial hardship to those persons defined in object 3.1 as beneficiaries by any charitable means that trustees may from time to time determine.

  • The provision of facilities for recreation or other leisure time occupation with the object of improving the conditions of life of those persons defined in object 3.1, who have need of such facilities by reason of their youth, age, infirmity or disablement, financial hardship or social and economic circumstances.



The organisation is a constituted community organization and is governed by its Constitution adopted on 1st February 2010.


Full Membership of EAWA is open to all constituted women community organisations in West Midlands that agree to support the aims of SAWA. Associated Membership is open to any female adult who is interested in furthering the work of EAWA. Only Full Members have the right to vote at Annual or Special General Meetings. Each women community organisation constitutes a single member of EAWA and nominates a representative to vote on its behalf at any Annual General Meeting or any other Special General Meetings of the membership, including the election of the Management Committee.


EAWA’s Board members are responsible for making decisions on all matters of general concern and importance to the group including deciding on how the funds of the group are to be spent. The full Board met six times during the year (in a space of 3 months before next meeting). Given its wide responsibilities, the Board has a number of committees which meet between full meetings with each dealing with a particular aspect of the organisation’s life.

Recruitment and Appointment of Management Comittee

The charity trustees for the purposes of charity law are known as members of the Management Committee. Under the requirements of the Constitution the members of the Management Committee are elected to serve for a period of one year and are elected at the Annual General Meeting. The trustees are elected from the women communities that EAWA serves. The Management Committee seeks to ensure that the needs of the women communities are appropriately reflected through the diversity of the trustee body.

New member organisations are sought throughout the network to increase engagement and the diverse candidacy of the Management Committee.


EAWA makes significant use of volunteers to carry out its work. Volunteers are involved in all aspect of the work, including youth work, education, facilities management and finance and administration.


Trustees selection methods:                  

Trustees are appointed or reappointed annually at the Annual General meeting held in September